???? BTC | $34,907 (+43, +0.1%)
???? ETH | $2,127 (+156, +6.7%)
???? XRP | $0.65 (+0.003, +0.5%)
???? LTC | $142 (+10, +3.9%)
Total transactions on the Ethereum network have dropped sharply off of April highs. As Ethereum is the founding layer for many Decentralised Exchanges (DEXs) where cryptocurrencies typically change hands, lower transaction volumes typically suggest less trading activity as well.
A relatively small stablecoin project – SafeDollar, was hit by a cyberattack, with a combination of stablecoins being siphoned off by attackers. The value of the coin has since dropped to zero.
Mexican officials came out to reiterate a ban on cryptocurrencies in the country’s formal financial systems, coming right after Banco Azteca was announced to be working on accepting cryptocurrencies. Mexico is however home to the largest crypto exchanges in South America, Bitso.